The cartoon opens with Jerry thrown from the house along with Tom as well as Spike. Jerry stops by the garage and grabs a pipe, Tom also grabs a frying pan and Spike picks up a baseball bat, but Spike then stops the fight questioning the three of them and exclaims "What's all this fighting getting us huh? Cats can love dogs can't they?" He looks at Tom, who nods. "And mice can get along with cats, can't they?" Jerry shakes his head, then nods as Spike glares at him. They then make a truce, sign a peace treaty, with the song "Auld Lang Syne" being played in the background, and become allies.
Later, Spike wakes up and goes into the kitchen to make breakfast for his new friends. He pours three glasses of milk and Tom helps Jerry brush his teeth. Then Tom helps Jerry sit at the table. Jerry later goes outside where Butch is making a meal for himself out of the garbage cans. He notices Jerry and decides to place Jerry on the plate. Tom walks outside, and makes the save by slamming the garbage can lid in Butch's face. Tom kisses Jerry and sending him on his way. Butch then suddenly realizes that Tom and Jerry are now friends, so he screams and knocks himself silly with a brick.
Tom is soon walking along the sidewalk where a dog is eating a bone. He decides to make a meal out of Tom when he sees him, but Spike screams like a man and makes the save just in time by punching the dog and knocking out all his teeth. When Tom points out the giant apple in his mouth, Spike punches it down. Tom tries to swallow it, but its to big, so Spike punches Tom on the head, knocking him out by accident.
The three friends then walk along the sidewalk where a mud puddle is and Spike takes off his fur to help his friends walk across. But then a truck drives by, splashing the three with mud, leaving them in blackface. To their delight, they look to see that a steak has fallen out. They take it home and cook it, but each greedily proposes an unfair division that would let them have the largest share for himself. A three-way struggle for the steak ensues, the steak is then sent flying out the window, into the gutter, realising they can no longer be friends, Spike destroys treaty, and they continue their fight of beating each other up.
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